Monday, February 27, 2006


1 question: why do management types tend to underestimate the intellect of their employees? or maybe this shit just happens to me? maybe that's why i am so bent on having my own business that is essentially a proprietorship. or perhaps, i am such a 'nob that i just don't like other people that exhibit social and/or intellectual deficiencies. hmmm.

anyway, Crepta has been dicking me over for the past 2 weeks since Needa's been down. this shit is to the point of me wanting to smack the shit out of any Crepta employee that says something i don't like. you know like "where's your pass sir." or "move to the back please." or even better "there's another bus right behind me." i'm fi'n ta put some Crepta in my teeth right about now...

project studio plans took a major hit thanks to Needa's needin' a trannie. that shit ate up my mixer $. don't know how long it's gonna take to save up for the mixer i want, but i'm not going out on a Mackie since i found out about this Allen & Heath. it's only 14 channels, but it looks real sweet. gonna look even sweeter in the studio. got all the pizzarts for the workstation. in fact, i'm about to start filming the process today. [filming! huh?]

yup, i'm filming the process and one of my 1st projects in the project studio is going to be to edit and author a DVD to be given to TechMD215 clients on how to build a PC. i'm all about education, and i figure what better way to show people how easy it is to maintain a system than through a DVD trainer. most techs would probably feel better if the average user wallowed in their ignorance, but i ain't most techs...

anyways, looks like i may be seeking some less volatile employment situation(s). maybe not, but under the current circumstances, it may be best if i do. i've never collected unemployment 1 day in my life. not planning on starting now.

on that note. catch you with a the dome that is...

make like Mr. Furley at the Three's Company Spring 2006 Reunion Episode...


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