Monday, April 28, 2008

the definition of meaning 02


it ought to be self-explanatory, but imagine how fucked up dictionaries would be if words were defined this way...

anyway, enough imagining...

just a different way to say young gods...

the kidren are a trip.

i love my kidren.

what the kidren is going on in there...

just kiddin' on the last one...

make like i feel like making a make like instead going to see what the wife left in the nuke box for a hungry giant to thoroughly gnaw into his digestive system...

PEACE calm...

Friday, April 25, 2008

the definition of meaning...


today i was subjected to a most subtle version. subversive even it was. like Yoda talking interesting at the moment find i.

scabittataj - the act of an unquestionably close loved one to ruin any positive efforts of your making, whether intentional or not.

i fucking cannot stand the above. it can be rather irritating to realize that someone you put your trust in is consistently monkeying your wrenches.

since i've completely lost my train of thought here, i'm going to define a few other words of my manufacture...

orsome - either unconditionally or sarcastically great.

depending on the use, this a great word to express various levels of excitement or lack thereof.i'll probably be adding more words of my common use as time goes go by...

make like the world is blessed by the existence of the most destructive animal on the planet...

PEACE calm...

so what the blibble...

so to speak...

i know this cat named blibbledy-blap. seriously. he's making some ol'shit to smear on yo' ass. the plan is to make the shit so nasty & fucked up that people will take notice...

i'm fucking sleepy & hungry...not a great combo...speaking of meals, i can't fucking stand Whoppers anymore. fucked me up when i 1st figured it out. i'm used to not eating pig. that was a very slight dietary adjustment. cow has been a lot more gradual. 1st i stopped copping ground cow from the grizoce, then i kinda stopped eating anything w/cow in it. the most i get cow now is if i order some peatz w/no pig toppings. that shit's all turkey & cow.

so anyway, i'm at the BK near my gizig & i order my customary, but not highly desirable Whizzop. i'm like, "damn, this shit is nasty as fuck." 1st i thought it was the restaurant fucking up, but then it hit me that i really just don't like the taste of cooked cow now...WTF! i ain't mad about it, it just kinda came outta left center field. fuck it. don't need that greezy azz shit anyveys...

so, what the blibble...just effin' witcha...

i don't think my wife is ready for me...

the real me...

fuck a representative...

i'm gonna do me for the rest of my finite, natural, human life...


i owe myself as much for all the bullshit peeps have exposed me to over the years. fuck it. not to say that all the foul shit i've been branded by is the fault of others, that'd be a fucked up, irresponsible lie. i've fucked up my share of my life, but i ain't tolerating anybody else causing waves any more. again, fuck it...

make like Clinton ain't full-o-shit...

PEACE calm...

Sunday, April 13, 2008


blogger is functioning to define the above word as i type this blurb...

i fucking hate when blogger fucks up my fucking post formatting. fuck a glitch. i wish this shit would get fixed. perhaps it is user error, but i would tend to think it is not. i say this because this error occurs completely randomly and infrequently. unfortunately, with such errors, unless the cats that maintain a site are responsive to the issue, it doesn't usually get fixed. i guess i should not complain too much, 'cause this shit is free...

what is the share price of Google right now...?


fucking up my thoughtflow...

if this post is formatted fucked up, you ought to understand why. this applies to any other fucked up formatting in any other posts in this blog as well. it ain't my fault...fuck!

make like blogger is publishing my shit like i fucking typed it & repsonds to my tech requests about this very same issue, when it occurs...

PEACE calm...

Friday, April 11, 2008

not to be fucked wif...

generally speaking, unless you exist on an equal plane of consciousness, it is not in anyone's best interest to spar with me intellectually. granted, if you don't know me, how would you know not to do such a foolish thing? this is not to suggest that i am intellectually superior, and therefore above holding conversations with anyone not on my level. it is merely an observation. i realize that by living around regular people my whole life, i've learned how to dumb shit down very well. i am by no means, way, shape, or form omniscient. there's a whole goddamned lot that i don't know, but it frightens me to realize the number of peeps who just don't intellectually give a fuck...

i can't imagine that shit all that great. i used to hate my intelligence on some ignorance is bliss type shit. now maturity has me realizing that 1 of the biggest reasons i feel outcasted so frequently is because i just look at shit differently. every individual looks at, or should anyway, shit differently. my shit seems extra different at times. many times it is super extra different. the funniest thing is that when i put the extra different shit on most cats, they get the deer in lights look. i warned this chick on a forum i tend to frequent & she eventually got pissed & decided to ignore me. i told her to do that shit from the door...fuck didn't she listen?

i try...

can't do much more than that most of the time...

fuck it...

make like Dumbya & his cohorts ain't fuckin' shit up...

PEACE calm...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

can't front on mizzlom...

contrary to my dark evilness, i recall that my maternal contributor experienced her initial intro to existence on this very day.

good old momalama. i can say i'll always love her, but she was crazy as shit. never hate her. she blessed & cursed me. gleaning the positive out of our human interaction, i can't be upset that moms taught me to analyze situations & think for solo. figure shit out on my own. work smart not hard. she called it carrying the lazy man's load. moms was good on that shit. turns out she was right about this one. everything wasn't all bad with'er.

this post is appropriated to you mommo. even though you're physically dead, your efforts to control your children have lived on. i'm sure you'd be glad to know that where you only partially succeeded in fucking up my life as an adult, you wowed'em at the i mastered fucking up my seed's life awards ceremony with your job on my younger sister. talk about mastering fucking up...

make like this is not an odd way to tribute my nutty ass moms...

PEACE calm...

education = 3rd i stimilation...

when done properly anyway. i've come to realize that i successfully perverted the education that i have received over the years. this is suggested within the context of understanding that the educational system that is currently offered to the public is farcical at best. i realize that i have managed to practice a number of the suggested methods of Western educational philosophy, but at the same time i regularly question said methods. my questioning of these methods over the years has led to the enhancement of what i will refer to as my peripheral education. i propose that many children are deficient in general knowledge because the adults responsible for them are mistakenly predominantly relying on the public education system to provide educational instruction in the peripheral areas. it's not a realistic assumption. i would argue that it is not even a realistic expectation.

while considering the treatment education funding gets in this society, it is no wonder there is not enough funding to properly staff classrooms in various environments. this is especially noticeable in particularly financially distressed locales. this covers urban, suburban, & rural communities that suffer greatly from underfunding of the U.S. educational system. NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND. was that really a fucking joke or what?

somebody in the Bush admin is/was clearly, royally, fuckin' shit up...

make like public schools are acceptable...

PEACE calm...

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

hindsight is not 20/20...

it's more like it's microscopic...

yesterday i visited 2 people. i would consider both as family. i would definitely consider both as friends. 2 dudes that are elder to me, and have provided significantly towards the path of enlightenment on which i can currently be found. i actually attempted to visit a 3rd person, but unfortunately, she was not readily available. also unfortunate is the more fringy nature of the relationship between the 3rd person & i, but it's not that serious. the point is that i realized in conversation that these people had a faith and vision in my inherent skills/talents long before i realized these things even existed. of course this plays into my emphasis on insecurity/fear motivating human behavior, but i have historically not applied this worldview to my personal meanderings about life. actually i have, but not on any consistently constructive basis. it appears that i am now recognizing the error of such ways in chunks as opposed to small blurbs here and there. i guess that's why it's called enlightenment.

hindsight is definitely not 20/20. knowledge does not equate to wisdom. i will vehemently argue that wisdom is the practical, effective use of knowledge to increase the positivity of your daily endeavors. anything short of that use of knowledge is essentially the manifestation of ignorance in action. not a very useful method of living, but it is seemingly abundantly common in human circles. i often wonder why it is that i have a human form, but it is becoming clearer to me as my 3rd is focusing more on the broadcasts of the universe. that's a channel that never goes off and does not need any commercial funding to operate.

make like you don't need a 3rd to function in a universally effective fashion as a human...

PEACE calm...