Wednesday, April 02, 2008

hindsight is not 20/20...

it's more like it's microscopic...

yesterday i visited 2 people. i would consider both as family. i would definitely consider both as friends. 2 dudes that are elder to me, and have provided significantly towards the path of enlightenment on which i can currently be found. i actually attempted to visit a 3rd person, but unfortunately, she was not readily available. also unfortunate is the more fringy nature of the relationship between the 3rd person & i, but it's not that serious. the point is that i realized in conversation that these people had a faith and vision in my inherent skills/talents long before i realized these things even existed. of course this plays into my emphasis on insecurity/fear motivating human behavior, but i have historically not applied this worldview to my personal meanderings about life. actually i have, but not on any consistently constructive basis. it appears that i am now recognizing the error of such ways in chunks as opposed to small blurbs here and there. i guess that's why it's called enlightenment.

hindsight is definitely not 20/20. knowledge does not equate to wisdom. i will vehemently argue that wisdom is the practical, effective use of knowledge to increase the positivity of your daily endeavors. anything short of that use of knowledge is essentially the manifestation of ignorance in action. not a very useful method of living, but it is seemingly abundantly common in human circles. i often wonder why it is that i have a human form, but it is becoming clearer to me as my 3rd is focusing more on the broadcasts of the universe. that's a channel that never goes off and does not need any commercial funding to operate.

make like you don't need a 3rd to function in a universally effective fashion as a human...

PEACE calm...

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