Friday, April 25, 2008

so what the blibble...

so to speak...

i know this cat named blibbledy-blap. seriously. he's making some ol'shit to smear on yo' ass. the plan is to make the shit so nasty & fucked up that people will take notice...

i'm fucking sleepy & hungry...not a great combo...speaking of meals, i can't fucking stand Whoppers anymore. fucked me up when i 1st figured it out. i'm used to not eating pig. that was a very slight dietary adjustment. cow has been a lot more gradual. 1st i stopped copping ground cow from the grizoce, then i kinda stopped eating anything w/cow in it. the most i get cow now is if i order some peatz w/no pig toppings. that shit's all turkey & cow.

so anyway, i'm at the BK near my gizig & i order my customary, but not highly desirable Whizzop. i'm like, "damn, this shit is nasty as fuck." 1st i thought it was the restaurant fucking up, but then it hit me that i really just don't like the taste of cooked cow now...WTF! i ain't mad about it, it just kinda came outta left center field. fuck it. don't need that greezy azz shit anyveys...

so, what the blibble...just effin' witcha...

i don't think my wife is ready for me...

the real me...

fuck a representative...

i'm gonna do me for the rest of my finite, natural, human life...


i owe myself as much for all the bullshit peeps have exposed me to over the years. fuck it. not to say that all the foul shit i've been branded by is the fault of others, that'd be a fucked up, irresponsible lie. i've fucked up my share of my life, but i ain't tolerating anybody else causing waves any more. again, fuck it...

make like Clinton ain't full-o-shit...

PEACE calm...

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