Friday, August 22, 2008

what's the wizzerd...

occasionally i like to use the English language to illustrate certain concepts/ideas. i may be crazy as shit, but i'm also remotely intelligent. what does 1 have to do w/the other? who knows. i think they're related, but i'm only human.

anyway, since i like to think, and i relish enlightenment as an actual activity, i believe that i can be referred to as a...


Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English philosophe, philosophre, from Anglo-French, from Latin philosophus, from Greek philosophos, from phil- + sophia wisdom, from sophos wise
Date: 14th century

a: a person who seeks wisdom or enlightenment : scholar, thinker

b: a student of philosophy

as seen at Merriam-Webster Online, i would venture to say that the above applies to my intellectual endeavors as a human.

so, that said, WTF is wrong w/people?

how do you value science w/o art? are not scientist who make new discoveries using creative thought? i find it utterly humorous that peeps suggest the 2 are somehow in opposition to each other. it's kinda like the whole religion v. science bullshit.

sadly, many humans do not seem to realize that everything is essentially everything else. nothing is actually separate from each other. our existence as finite beings has clouded our perception of reality. many of us seem to be under the impression that all things in existence can be understood in finite terms. this is an unreasonable pattern of thought that apparently leads to a quite a bit of irrational human behavior...

make like i don't have a violent temper...

PEACE calm...

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