Tuesday, October 11, 2005

miscellaneous blah...

i am tired as all hell. it's another early morning at the gig. Ineeda needs a good amount of work still. at least the trunk gets fixed Friday. YAAAY! anyways...

had a convo yesterday with the only college friend that i actually maintain. he noted that i seem quite a bit more hostile than what he remembered. life can do that to you.

let's see, i started this entry a couple of days ago. let's just finish this out. you know i'd like to use a profane word or two here and there, but i'm not sure what the policy is for such verbiage. anyway, as i was saying a few days ago (i don't know if this will post w/today's date or the original draft date), life can make you hostile. i suppose i've always had an edge to my mood since i was a kid, but as an adult i'm more like Damon Wayans angry black man character from SNL. it can be funny in reality, but most times it's not. not to get racial (damn near impossible in this society), but any individual who espouses the ideology that racism is non-existent is suffering from a socio-intellectual deficiency.

really though, i'm not racially angry as much as i am socially angry. could be because i'm not financially stable, but i would tend to disagree. just to get this out of the way, CAPITALISM sucks! forget all the sugar coated theories and explanations. any concept or system that stems from Manifest Destiny and finds its basis in the perpetuation and perfection of exploitation of resources is bound to be detrimental and in opposition to universal law. remember, capitalism is keyed on the maximized exploitation of available resources. the most valuable resource in human existence and contact is the human. huh? yes, the human. so the basis of capitalism dictates that humans must be exploited to the maximum capacity of profit generation until they are no longer useful for such purposes. how could i not be angry about that?

chew on that for a few (like anyone reads this...)

make like summer at the autumnal equinox


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