Friday, November 04, 2005

well what the hellburger is going on here!?!

yessir, good old septa is on strike once again. i gotta say with zest, zeal and bitter verbiage, YOU SUCK! what the hell? i'm forced to ponder the fact that police officers don't seem to strike. firefighters don't seem to strike. even the often woefully mismanaged employees of Illadelph don't seem to strike. what is the freakin' problem?! all of these groups of well paid employees have unions, but only SEPTA workers seem to be unable to iron out contract differences between the union and management w/o a strike. and i swear, if this is about health benefits, SEPTA workers need to get a grip. how about NONE for a health benefit? instead of bitching about paying a copay (i just recently became insured and i pay a $10/$15 copay) how about no insurance at all! what a-holes. greed is a sickening thing. meanwhile all the commuters in the area have to suffer twice. how's that you ask? first we have to suffer because we cannot get around w/o driving. in a city that's bullshit. PT is damn near a necessity in any truly urban area. SEPTA knows this and is leveraging our need to acheive some bullshit ass goal. second, we are suffering because of the extra traffic volume caused by the increased presence of the drivers who normally leave their vehicles parked somewhere while using PT. I-76 is already a woefully inadequate interstate. now it's backups are even more tedious, gratuitous and irritating. this morning i literally parked on EB I-76 for at least 5 minutes and was going no faster than 15mph for about 20 minutes. hooray! i'd like to take this time to thank all striking SEPTA workers for increasing the displeasure with Illadelph life experience level. 'swipes!

make like a C bus on Broad Street


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