Monday, July 30, 2007

why i don't like...the NAACP!

to K.I.S.S., i'm not down w/colored. WTF! it's 2007. how the hell can you not come up w/a better name for the organization? these are supposed to be educated people that are trying to make a difference. meanwhile, they're wasting time having funerals for "nigger." what a waste of time, energy, and resources. Dumbya Bush is still freakin' president and Gonzalez is just another one of his liars, but the NAACP is burying and holding funeral services for words. WTF! how about holding a funeral service for the war in Iraq? how about having a funeral for gun violence in Philadelphia? how about having a funeral for stupid ceremonial gestures by supposed community activists? this is some nut ass shit. i suppose i shouldn't be surprised by an organization that still refers to colored people. fucking colored people. [can you tell i don't like colored?] what the fuck is a colored person? where are all the purple motherfuckers? i wanna meet those motherfuckers. i like purple. that's my favorite color. maybe i should join the National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People so i can meet the purple motherfuckers...sheesh! did i mention that it is 2007? i'd really like to hear a valid argument for continuing to use the word colored. just one-no fuck that, i'd have to hear a few actually. shit if you really want the organization to mean something, why not just call it the NAAP? leave the colored out. i guess that would cast aspersions on the history of the organization and its relation to the African community. perhaps that's too close to nap, as in nappy, as in nappy headed, as in ho's. i suppose that's going to be the next funeral. we gather here today to honor the passing of ho...imagine that. i recall from my college days how useless and ineffectual many organizations are simply because they focus on the most inane of goals and issues. setting the bar to low. have a funeral for the end of the Bush horror regime. shit i'd even be down with a funeral for reality television. fuck that, they need to have a funeral for the word colored...yeah, that's wassup!

fucking weirdos...

make like i am a standing member of the colored folks helpfulness society of America...


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