Monday, July 30, 2007

why i!

that's right. no doubt. I DIG PORN! i said it. i even did trial membership w/SugarDVD. i ain't even gonna get into the wishlists i have at a few video sites (rather extensive...). people kill me w/they're feigned dislike of porn. i mean hey, if you really don't like porn, cool. if you like watchin' peeps get their freak on, then why act like you don't? who in the world are you trying to impress? i mean really? again WTF! sneakin' porn is stupid. sneakin' is what gets you caught up like Kirk Franklin's Christian ass. dude, if you gotta say you're addicted to porn, something is really wrong with you. mind you, that is not to demean anyone who actually has a porn addiction. however, i'd be willing to theorize that a porn addiction is indicative of some other mental issues. personally, i watch porn 'cause i like to see peeps get freaky. it's fun to watch people enjoy themselves. i ain't into no weirdo porn shit. i have seen some weirdo shit, but i keep that shit out of rotation.

i remember the first time i accidentally found some ol'freak nasty shit on the web. it was some ol' scatting shit (no pun intended). same day a tripped over some ol' bestiality shit. while the animal shit was mildly interesting from a curiosity perspective, the shit shit was just fucking nasty. yuck. i ain't into putting or seeing anyone else put human excrement on someone. likewise, i ain't into golden showers & shit. squirting is rather interesting, but that's another topic for another day. my thing mainly is that peeps trip so thoroughly over porn. whether it be images, film, or video, porn is nothing to be ashamed of viewing. last i checked, i wasn't a prude, so why am i not to watch porn? besides, if you actually pay attention, you may learn some new techniques 'n'shit. but seriously, porn is great.
make like i didn't forget my train of thought while it took me 2 days to actually sit down and create the logo up top there...c'est la vie...


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