Friday, August 10, 2007

thanks for the littering...

i fucking hate litter. [yes this is distinctly a rant, so roll out if you don't feel like being exposed!] what the fuck is the problem with finding a goddamn trash can? on my way to the gig the other day i saw this nut ass chick toss a fountain soda cup on the ground like the sidewalk bit her ass or something. not more than 3' or 4' away from her was a big ass damn near empty municipal garbage can w/a bag in it. how fucking hard would it have been to put the fucking cup into the trash can? WTF! how much cleaner would the street be if people actually used trash cans?
what really has me pissed off about this shit is that some asshole threw their ABC gum into a planter near a bus stop where i decided to sit my big ass down. the worst part is that i didn't sit on the goddamn gum. apparently the gum was in the planter, not on the side of the planter. as a result, the nasty little piece of gum hitched a ride on my fucking shirt, completely unbeknownst to me of course. i didn't realize the problem until i sat down on my hour late bus and felt sticky shit on my ass. [not a pleasant feeling, no gay puns intended.] at 1st i thought the gum was in the bus seat, but then i realized i noticed the bus was dirty as shit, so i checked the seat before i sat down. then i thought i sat on it at the bus stop when i sat on the edge of the planter, but i would have felt the sticky then. while considering in anger where in the fuck i sat on this evil ass piece of litter gum, i noticed that the damn thing was inside my shirt. in essence, i had smashed the pieces of gum between my shirt and pants when i sat on my ass. of course this really worked well in the heat! motherfucker! son's of bitches! goddamnit! boy was i pissed.
i fucking hate litter. this shit just reminds me of all the litter i see on a daily basis. my neighborhood is the most litter ridden i have ever lived in since moving to this urban haven of Illadelphia. i clean the yard and sidewalk, and it's like the shit spawns out of nowhere. WTF! to make matters worse, my neighbors on both sides produce profuse amounts of garbage on a weekly basis, which they deem acceptable to place outside in garbage cans that do not tend to be sealed at all. some of the cans don't even have lids. it's so much fucking fun to come home on a nice muggy, hot ass day and smell stank ass as the flies greet me with the pleasantness of their shit mingling buzzing. ahhhh! home stank home! sheesh! so, being that i already can't stand litter, imagine the levels of my disturbation as the scene unfolded with this friggin' gum today/yesterday. fuck!
make like litterers deserve to live freely amongst other humans...[murderous thought intended!]

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