Friday, September 18, 2009

brrrr motherfucker!!!! brrrrr!!!!

could someone please tell me why the air is on in this joint? WTF! it's below 55° outside if i'm not mistaken & the air is on in this motherfucker. ain't that about a bitch...

i don't like cold. dick don't like cold. my ass doesn't like cold. cold is 4 scream, beverages, snow, etc. it's fuckin' chilly in here...AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

okay, i think i'm done w/this particular ram. i am really cold though. i'm wearing long sleeves & an undershirt, & i'm still goosebumpy...


gotta post up the pics of the new 2-wheel. it's a beast.

had a breakthrough at the doc's this week. tapped into the perceptions i have of bad things creepin' around the corner when life seems to be going well. it would seem to result from the repeated violations of my egg donor w/regards to my joy in life as a child. taking my $$$ & toys my sperm donor gave me. never thought about it like that. that's why the doc visits are useful...

make like i'm not trying to get paid as a craft practitioner

PEACE calm...

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