Wednesday, December 23, 2009

image in that...

check this out.

i was thinking about some of the metaphors in the biblical myths. there is a persistent recurrence of the number 40. these incidents just happen to be some of the most memorable moments within biblical mythology.

so i'm thinking about this & my apparent leaps in understanding the nature of the universe. i've been walking around on the planet for 40 years. all of a sudden it's like "hey, i get it."

i got lost in the flood & had to find higher ground. i was wandering in the wilderness. do i have to go talk to some burning shrubbery to get people to listen to the knowledge i have to share. if the devil is the fallibility of humans, then i've been fuckin' w/that for the last 40 years too...

i can't say i'm a prophet. i don't feel that. i can say that i have science to share. someone called it insight. i'd say it's outsite....LOL! why would it be so hard for humans to comprehend that god is them & they are god?

make like god does not help those who help self...

PEACE calm...

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