Saturday, June 12, 2010

not being invited to the party...

does being a European mean that you are not capable of being conscious of the truth?

there are those that would suggest such things. i have to admit, the arguments for such an idea can be quite suggestive.

the problem i have w/such an implication is that if European humans are incapable of comprehending & respecting universal law(s), why are they alive?

to this question some might answer that a - exists to balance a +. sounds safe, but again, what is really being said here? is European oriented society incorrigible when it comes to respecting the true nature of the universe? again, there is much evidence to support such an argument.

consider this though:

many of the same humans who have labeled Europeans as trouble makers are likely to suggest that Europeans were separated from the other members of the human family at some point. why did this separation take place? was it because they looked so different? was the initial separation for this reason alone, or was it behavioral as well?

why is this even an issue?

it's an issue in some ways because of the repercussions of such a separation. humans are social. if the human families learn from each other & interact w/each other, what happens when a particular group is ostracized? how does that affect their comprehension of universal laws. if this group has been pushed away, who is teaching them these laws. how does this separated group learn the truth of their nature & being?

these are important questions.

don't get it twisted. i am by no means working to justify the blatant ignorance of universal laws that is witnessed within today's Eurocentric society. this is in addition to the sadly consistent history of European cultural development that reflects a similar ignorance of universal laws. the question is not if the laws are being broken, the question is more of why.

after moving beyond why, is it possible that European oriented society is capable of being corrected in it's ignorance of the truth of nature & being? i suppose no one will know until these issues start being discussed openly & truthfully.

from a universal perspective, no human is superior to any other. if this is not true, i will have to be presented w/some extremely thorough evidence to the contrary. we are our god selves. our energy. our minds. the mind is what makes the choices that determine the ways of our physical existence. is the mind of European humans corrupt? are their physicals genetically corrupt to the extent that they are unable to access the universe as other human families are? to argue in the affirmative is not much different than what is found in any other ethnically biased argument for human inferiority. none of these arguments are valid from a universal perspective.

not everyone is prepared to deal w/the truth of nature & being. our energy has no ethnicity, no gender, no limitations. our energy is our mind. our bodies are not limitless. our bodies have finite characteristics. these limitations do not preclude any member of the human family from their universal nature.

the truth is empowering to all. i suppose that has a great deal to do w/the fact that much if not all of human society is currently subject to living great lies on a daily basis...

make like god hates...

PEACE calm...

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