Friday, July 23, 2010

suddenly all the jokes aren't so funny...


attention defeciet disorder/attention defeciet hyperactivity disorder...

i am tending to go w/the 3 as opposed to the 4 letter version. based on what i've recently studied it should be A.V.D. - attention variability disorder. looks like the abbreviation to a sequel in the Aliens v. Predators franchise.

long story short, it would appear that i have been suffering from an inconsistent ability to maintain my attention to whatever my entire life thus far. i must say the ideas that an individual w/A.D.D. lacks in intelligence are obviously not true in my case. such ideas are actually not true in many cases.

there are supposed to be several historically great humans who have suffered from this same condition.

my comprehension of my place in the universe does not help much w/this knowledge. my awareness of this condition of living fits right in w/the finite/infinite though. i have a known but variable gap that distinctly exists between my nature & my being.

how is that?

this condition is regarded as a neurological condition. this means it is a problem w/the way the brain (finite physical) functions. i have said prior that i receive messages & share them when i do. if the brain is not properly receiving/transmitting it's signals, this would explain the all over the placeness that i've experienced over the years.

it's quite frustrating to know how intelligent you are & to not seem to be able to provide the proof of such intelligence in one's style of living. my thoughts tend to be my only reward...

odd, interesting, & often frustrating dilemma...

make like i feel like thinking of something to put here right now...

PEACE calm...

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