Friday, September 30, 2005

well now, what the figgle dig...

too bad thinking about posting doesn't equal a post. tried to post this morning but maintenance said no...gotta keep the technology rolling.

speaking of technology, i got my 1st full-time chizzle this week and it's already gone. actually, it was gone before i got it. sucks! i was hoping to cop a cellie-cell (not to be confused w/the obesity that is Shellie-shel) w/this pay, but no haps. it's my own fault. if i hadn't lapsed on my last account i probably wouldn't have to make a deposit to get the new one. good news is the deposit is only $150 per line. i recall the 1st time i tried to get an account the requested deposit was a G! whoa said me. Verizon hooked me up though and i didn't have to pay a deposit at all. my credit had cleared up quite a bit at that time (like it's acne or something right). unfortunately, that was about 6 months before i tried to terminate my existence due to an inability to cope with undue life stressors. oddly, i managed to maintain my cell for a few months after my episode of mental dilapidation. in trying to assist my then estranged wife to rectify her cell account, i lost the ability to financially maintain my personal account. ironic seeing as how i got my personal account because of the strange behavior of said estranged wife. anyways, now i owe the great VZW a cool 3 bills and some change for the balance plus the customary early term fee. on my behalf, i must say i tried ever so valiantly to maintain my side of the bargain. i've always said to bill collectors "if i ain't got, i can't give it."

and now to rant about bill collectors: why do they ask you, when you've informed them of what they should already have some idea of with respect to one's brokenness, "can you borrow it from someone?" WTF! i need someone to explain to me how that is in any way shape or form logical. who in their right financial, or any other type of mind, would lend lumps of cash to an obviously financially challenged, borderline indigent individual? i know i wouldn't do it. it's rather absurd to even make such a suggestion. i remember one cat tried to come at my nizeck. he in all his assninity assumed that i was a recipient of public assistance and just did not want to part ways with the measly cash benefits that DPW provides those who do receive benefits. i kindly informed him that i was a chronically un/underemployed college student living with family and not eating much at all. i also told him that he was a victim of this wonderful Eurocentrically capitalist society that we muddle our way through on a daily basis. he was offended that i referred to him as a European and promptly informed me that he was Middle Eastern/Arabic. i kindly pointed out to him that his ethnicity had nothing to do with his social adherence to Eurocentric ideologies of financial stability. he was rather upset by the end of the call. it was his own fault though for making such assumptions. [ass out of u not me] ahh, adventures with bill collectors...

alligator before my crocodile after while


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