Wednesday, April 12, 2006

blah to u 2...

not feeling very sarcastic today. just a few thoughts. the semester is closing and things are getting undesirably hectic. alas, such is living. anyway...

i don't see how people sit at home and collect unemployment. in my entire life as an employable human, i've only tried to get it 3x (i think). once i was told i was ineligible because i was looking for 3rd shift positions. another time i was denied because i didn't try to work things out with the employer after the employer caused me to aggravate a previously existing back condition...i won't go into that in particular. i'd say most poignant to this blurb is the time i applied, but i didn't stay out of work long enough to collect. most times i don't stay out of work long enough to get bennies. i hate not working. at this point in my life i primarily need work to feed my horde and fund my businesses. i doubt i'll ever find a gig where the management is truly efficient, so i likely won't be working for other people. i can't stand blatant ineptitude. call me an intellect snob, but i generally, vehemently despise unintelligent people. educated people who exhibit similar traits are even more despicable. a degree, professional or otherwise, does not guarantee an ability to function amongst the thinking. if anybody asked me, i'm likely to say i am sometimes too smart for my own good. i'd even go as far as to say i possibly think too much. now to me these things are not possible, but i'm not running the world. shit, look at Dumbaya Bush! everybody went crazy when Quayle was vice, but this idiot is commander in cheat. WTF! even more disturbing is the fact that he has enough thinking people on his payroll to get him by on a daily basis. how else to you explain the duping of the so-called red states? they got played. i'd have voted for Nixon after Watergate before i voted for this asshole. okay, maybe not, but you get the idea.

you couldn't pay me to think this country is great. fortunately for me, i've lived outside of here for more than a few weeks on vacation. so many peeps are brainwashed. especially historically disenfranchised peeps. Africans who believe they have acheived the American dream...ha! ha! ha! at what expense yo? [am i ranting? probably...] how can you consider civil rights a success when Detroit exists in its current state? can you say crack epidemic? where the hell were all the protesters when that shit jumped off in the late 70's, early 80's? from freebasing to crack is not a long walk at all. in fact, it probably isn't even a couple of steps. this older Muslim dude got pissed at me once because i flat out told him his generation had failed. they failed to set shit up for my and future generations. how do i figure? once again, i refer to crack. after the riots and city burnings, all of a sudden the govs started making concessions. passing out crumbs as it were. Africans took the crumbs, had a party in the 70's and forgot they had only gotten crumbs. ironically when dumb shit started happening in the 80's and 90's all of a sudden Africans were concerned again. history only repeats itself when motherfuckers forget that brick hit'em in the head yesterday as they walked past a particular window. [huh!] follow the metaphor...if you forget about the window and walk past it again, don't be pissed when that head gets rocked by another brick. it ain't rocket science. this is why reparations are a big ass joke. this country and its laws have never apologized for enslaving Africans or committing genocide on Americans. why in the hell would Europeans ever pay for some shit that they don't think was actually wrong? everything is spin. think about it: the colonist were actually terrorists to the British. Washington, Jefferson, and Adams were no different than Arafat, Bin Laden or you pick the so-called terrorist. it ain't where you're from it's where you're at...[smile!]

got a lot of shit rolling around in my head. i honestly believe one of the best ways to pacify the people is the economic system that Europeans have perpetuated around the world. capitalism and virtual currency change the whole game. who has time to sit around and think about shit when you use all your time and intellectual energy to make sure you're not going broke? working people have the least shit, the least influence and the most to gain by shitting all over the current power structure. those with assets have the most shit, the most influence and the most to lose if working people get their shit together and say fuck the bullshit. it's not hard to make this observation, but working people can't see past bills and expenses. a poor person is a poor person. what's the difference between a hungry Asian, a hungry African, a hungry European and a hungry Latino? perhaps what they would chose to satisfy that hunger, but not much else. worldwide, governments are concerned with the wrong damn things. people always laugh about how stupid it is that gang members fight and kill each other over turf that they don't even own, but sovereign nations have been doing the exact same thing for countless years. what the hell is the U.S. doing in Iraq? for that matter, what the hell is the U.S. doing in North America?

wouldn't it be amazing if i was just driving around Illadelph in Needa and i saw a crib that i dug so i just hop out and claim the crib as mine? not only that, but i start claiming neighboring cribs as well until i have my own little neighborhood. then i move all my friends and associates into this neighborhood and we proceed to coerce and trick the former residents out of their homes. why? well, because they weren't living in them properly and making full use of the property's resources. that's justifiable. just take that shit over. oh yeah, anybody we can't trick and coerce or anybody who tries to strongly resist, we kill'em. after all that we can go find some cats who don't look like us to develop our neighborhood and keep it up but not pay them anything for their efforts. we can even treat them like shit and deprive them of basic humans needs that we ourselves deem so important that we write up some neighborhood rules to establish the existence and official recognition of these needs. i love the history of the United States. where else can you find legal genocide, rape, murder and enslavement all under one roof? why of course this country is the standard for right living and positive interaction amongst humans. just ask James Byrd, Jr. , he might tell you something about his great experience as a member of the good ol'melting pot called the U. S. of A.

i love this great country of theirs! it's the bestest in the whole wide world!

make like i really meant that last sentence...


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