Saturday, April 01, 2006

cowards suck... the functional idiot who used to be my supervisor calls me on my cizell whilst maneuvering my vehicle through the hills of Conshohocken. he proceeds to inform me of my status as an employee has been uprgraded to nil. what a complete dork. i thought my pops was an utter coward. this guy takes the cake, eats it, regurgitate it, eats it again, shits it out, and then eats that. what he does after he eats the shit, i have no idea.

on a more positive note however, i copped some flyers for the project and i spoke to a legal firm that deals specifically with entertainment & internet law. awesome dude! anyways, slowly but surely i'll put this shizzle ta gizzle.

it's funny how some people see something as a loss and others don't. not working at that spot is not a loss. the money is always an issue, so that's not a real consideration. peace of mind and job satisfaction cannot be readily ignored. not by me anyway. if i don't create my own business i will likely never find management whose skills are requisite for them to manage.

well, off to watch Dodgeball. watched Four Brothers yesterday. i don't really like John Singleton films, but i have to say this one was good. Be Cool was pretty humorous as well. oddly, i found the sequel much more entertaining than i did Get Shorty. wonder why that is?

alas, i shall be exiting...

make like the backbone of my former supervisor...


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