Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Columbia House officially eats scrotum pops...

just being creative. anyway, Columbia House canceled my membership. why? because i forgot to cancel my Director's Selection for March. they tried to automatically charge it to my account, but i don't keep loot in my checking. since the charge didn't go through they canceled the account. okay, not a problem. they do this dumb shit about once a year. the difference this year is that they killed the human customer service. it's all email like BMG. the only problem is the ASSHOLES who are doing customer service for Columbia House are not reading the messages they receive. they just send out stock messages with a different persons name attached to the bottom of the message. DOH! i went back and forth getting the same messages over and over again for the past couple of weeks. i even sent a few in all caps. no help at all. i truly despise stupidity. this is especially when it is presented under the guise of cost efficiency. the last time these dipoleans did this i called on the phone and it was taken care of within minutes. the last inane email had the nerve to ask me to fill out an online customer service survey. [SMILE!] i kindly took the opportunity to let them know just how wack their non-service is. high prices and poor customer service are great if you're an idiot...

on a more positive note, one word:




okay, semester's coming to a rather quick end. it's been rather interesting. not working full-time, or rather not at all, has removed a great deal of stress from the equation. i was able to catch up and recover on my studies in the last couple of weeks. just goes to show that blessings come in all shapes and sizes. who'd of thought that not working would be a good thing? anyway, i'll be back on the grind once i've got that papier! i'm gonna be a manager at McDonald's. [YEAH!] or maybe i'll go to Footlockeer. anyways, i've gotta get that income rolling in to fund my business endeavors. looks like i'm going to have to start my own business. otherwise it seems i'm destined to keep being employed by these asshole managerial types like my last gig. i don't think i want to hop around looking for a gig with sensible management. rather start my own shit...

make like Joey Jihad...


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