Saturday, December 23, 2006

ours is not a pleasant world...

call me the greater hater or whatever. a co-worker of mine made some references that i clearly do not share to the greatness of living in the U.S. of A. yes this country seems great, but that is only because the rest of the world in many cases is that much more fucked up. sure, there is the half empty, half full concept, but it really is not applicable here. consider the number of multi-national businesses that either operate out of or primarily function on the basis of the U.S. economy. it is highly likely that these companies operate on global scales in order to take advantage of the weaker economies, labor laws and trade arrangements of other countries. if you ever get a chance to check out the Wal-Mart documentary, it presents a one-sided but interesting look at how these companies exploit the most valuable resource available to business: the human. the reality is that capitalism functions in such a way as to fully exhaust the available resources for maximum profit gain. this means all resources, including humans. people always talk about natural resources and how they are abused, but you rarely hear about the abuse of human resources unless it is within the context of sweatshops, etc.

what would make me rant about such things at this wonderful time of the year? this wonderful time of the year. what the hell? how can it be so wonderful? can you say Iraq? can you say George W. Bush is a professionally trained idiot? the wool has been pulled so freakin' far over so many people's eyes at one time that people are now shitting sweaters and suits straight out of their asses and ears. how is it that people can give to Toys for Tots for the Christmas holiday, but the very same people that benefit from such programs suffer any other time of the year? what a crock of shit. this is the most financially affluent country in the world, but there are still homeless people, poor people, illiterate people, and starving people. how the fuck does that work? i laugh at the people who use lame ass stereotypes to brush away these blatant contradictions to the greatness of this country. manifest destiny continues to shit on the little people.

sadly, the political process is functional. i say sadly because the people who ought to benefit most from the process either do not or cannot use it to their utmost advantage. i am not a conspiracy theorist. i do not think it is a coincidence or mystery that less affluent sections of society do not participate in the political process. consider that participation in said process has certain requirements. for the sake of the current proposition, let us completely disregard the financial requirements. lets look at something as simple as educational level. many less affluent members of society have limited educational background. the reasons vary and some are self-inflicted. the point is how can you educate yourself on the political climate when you have not educated yourself? there also has to be the consideration of the educated apathetics. these people remind me of myself when i wasted away a full scholarship to college: stupid. much like i am literally paying for that mistake many years later [goddamn these loans], these people pay a high price for political inactivity.

shit, there are entire religious belief systems that encourage their members to not be involved in the political process.
that is utterly insane. first of all, how can you pay taxes and not have a concern for who is spending that money, and how it is being spent. that is some crazy ass shit. of course this is all my opinion, but it is not opinion based on conjecture or assumption. these are opinions based on years of study and observation. my basic point is that shit is not okay. there should be far more concern than what currently exists. i think there should have been a revolution by now, but people are so dumbified by the crumbs that we get that it has not happened yet. i think those in power have studied and learned a great deal from the major social upheavals throughout the last 3 or 4 centuries. most significantly the French and European American Revolutions. just imagine if the economically disadvantaged members of the global society decided to rise up and demand a more equitable distribution of global resources. yes, there would likely be a great deal of bloodshed, but it would be worth it in the end. the fear of the unknown and feigned stability have kept many people from making such assessments of the world today. i tend to see a bigger picture...

make like i should be celebrating a European holiday...


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