Saturday, December 30, 2006

Sappy New Year!

no, just kidding. happy new year. this is likely one of the only holidays that i continue to celebrate. although the calendar under which we operate is a European convention, i follow the annual celebration to mark another year of human existence. i won't get into my thoughts on the universal irrelevancies of time. humans are truly the oddest animal known to exist on this planet. such a disregard for nature exists within human social convention.

anyway, since my system is being lazily reconfigured, i've had to make far fewer entries than i would have liked. i've actually not really felt like typing a few times when i started but didn't finish entries. there were also some occasions where the PC did some dumb shit and i lost entire entries. usually when that happens i don't feel like retyping my thoughts. this is especially true for the more verbose entries. [when are they not verbose? blah...blah...blah...]

well, the '07 is coming. i've got to get my shit together. i'm finally finished with undergrad, but i still feel like i haven't accomplished much. so what are my goals for the coming year? music, music, music. i've got to get my music on. between that and getting my finances more ordered, i'm pretty sealed on what i'm trying to do. gotta get my Allen & Heath and a piano. i'm supposed to be teaching myself how to use my keyboard and music theory. this music is what i'm doing. i definitely need to get into the studio more in '07 as well. speaking of which, gotta contact some cats about that...

on that note, get yo' shit together in '07 too...

make like Saddam had a chance...damn!


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