Saturday, December 13, 2008

bless my mastery of the language...

for it allows me to slaughter the unknowing with wit & sarcasm...

actually, mastery of the language isn't quite necessary for my sarcasm, but it does help me to lessen my perceived life misery. i'm referring to the sarcasm of course...

i have yet to figure out a way to create income using my thus far developed intellect. seems i mostly know things for no real purpose at all. mostly fuel for my overly active thought process & communicative efforts of human interaction.

shit, if i could get piznaid to tiznalk, i'd be monetarily rich off my ass by now...

i'm working on some things, but they have yet to develop into anything beyond scribblings on pieces of papier and/or bytes of web space/text...

alas, such is this life of mine...

make like i'm not going to be making mucado bloggo entrados duo tuo lacko ofo peacanium...

PEACE calm...

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