Thursday, February 05, 2009

arrgh! i crush you voice box...

what exactly is karma?

is it real?

i'll do some research, but likely, karma isn't much different from the other human attempts to explain our unexplainable position in the goings on of the infinite universe.

i would look it up & post a link like i usually do, but i don't friggin' feel like it.

this dude at the gig will not shut the fuck up. it is quite a reminder of how peeps must feel when i won't shut the fuck up. problem is, i at least have some goddamn science about my shit.

this cat is practically scienceless...

so anyway, perhaps this is to lead me to not only appreciate the sanctity of my mind's peace, but to better respect the strength of not saying any goddamned thing at all sometimes...

make like i'm not hungry right fucking now...

PEACE calm...

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