Saturday, August 08, 2009

hey! don't fuck w/the crazies...

i don't fuck w/crazy people like that. seems odd to say for an admitted crazy fucker such as myself, but fuck it. crazy people will fuck your life up if you let them. i try not to allow my crazy to control and/or permanently alter my life. it is a constant battle.

unfortunately, some crazy fucks do not make much effort to combat their crazy. if you spend too much time around these types, you'll find you suffer as a result of their craziosynchrasies. i've had enough experience w/these types in my life to know to stay the fuck away from them. my gene donors are/were great examples. sad but true.

the wizin is crazy, but i try to work our respective crazies together for the sake of a cohesive fam unit. sometime i wonder if this is the best idea in the world. the primary goal is to establish a stable model for the godren. unfortunately, it seems that crazy draws crazy.

this nut job that associates w/the wizin did some e-stupid shit last night. broad panicked over some miscommunication & tried to get the wizin jammed on some kidnapping shit. WTF! talk about a nut. i'm bent about this shit...

i do not like fucking w/crazies...

make like people are any less phony on aceook than they are in real life...

PEACE calm...

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