Thursday, August 06, 2009

you crazy fuck...

i'm throwed off, and i've often thought about offing cats that irritate the shit out of me, but it's highly unlikely that i'll ever actually do some shit like that. i don't really find the need to remove other humans lives for no apparent reason other than my distorted sense of reality. WTF...

this nut ass dude that shot up the gym. com'on dude. let's see here: i don't get pussy, so i'm going to go shoot up a fitness class full of women. this cat is so whacked out he turns the light out on these people before he starts blazin'. super nutball style...

i didn't know being a mass murderer got you pussy. DOH!

this guy had some family somewhere. those cats apparently missed the signs that captain wackido needed some extra attention. this proves once again that the most dangerous crazy peeps are the ones who don't recognize their own dysfunction. i know i'm throwed, so i go to fucking therapy, & i keep a close eye on myself.

i suppose if i hadn't had sex except twice & not had a jawn since '84, i might take a trip to the other side as well. nooooooooooooooooooo! my crazy doesn't get down like that.

make like dude doesn't look like most nutty peeps in the news: straight whack job...

PEACE calm...

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