Tuesday, January 05, 2010

a truly free mind...

...is a beautiful thing.

the problem IMO is that true freedom for humans borders on anarchy & chaos. true freedom of the mind would require that individual humans actually be responsible for themselves in light of the other humans.

this seems simple enough, but in my studies of human existence, it appears to be damn near impossible for any productive length of time.

fear is the greatest common human character flaw. there are those of us who understand this universal characteristic of human behavior & have devised methods of social exploitation based on its manipulation.

there are entire religions, countries, belief systems, political movements, organizations, etc. whose only real power over the minds of humans is the fear that is instilled through the teachings of that particular group.

this is akin to widescale mental abuse. it's essentially psychological torture. it is not a conspiracy. it is systematic. it is not an accident, it is the manifestation of superior planning & execution...

those of us who come to understand such things have to begin to come together to fight these tactics w/the universal truths of reality...

make like 3rd eye lies i don't despise...

...be calm...

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