Saturday, December 31, 2005

ha, ha, ha haaaa!

yeah baby! HAPPY MOTHERFUCKING NEW YEAR! yeah! you gotta say "MOTHERFUCKING," because you need that profane emphasis. [smirk!] if you haven't noticed, i have an unmedically diagnosed severe case of sarcoleptic observatia. i tend to lapse in and out of it at a moment's notice.

wow, this has really been a momentous 365.25 days for me. let me take this time out to draw your attention to the glaring evidence of human imperfection and inefficiency in the face of nature and universal law. if you're not truly aware of why there is a .25 of a day and leap year and all that shit, it's because humans are not in tune with nature. natural perpetual time does not coincide with the anthropomorphic version of time to which we humans adhere. [huh?] simply stated, time as most people know and recognize it does not exist in reality. nature keeps it's own painfully accurate time with which the calendar we live by in most European/Judeo-Christian social settings does not coincide. long story short, the calendar is fucked up. rather than fix it, there's a .25 day at the end of each year and we see the previous 3 year's .25's added to the 4th year to make it leap year. damn inefficient humans. always trying to circumvent and/or control nature. DOH!

well, i have to say i've written more than i thought i would, but i am not satisfied with what i've written. there have been several entries that i wanted to make that i just never did. shit, it took me all day today to finally do this one. [hope this damn PC doesn't crash...] as a matter of fact, hold on...[saving blog entry as draft]...okay, that's done. now where were we...oh yeah, i've got quite a bit to say on a regular basis. my intention, notice i did not say resolution, for the 2G6 is to make far more frequent entries. as a matter of fact, i'm gonna email this shit to a few people as soon as i finish this entry. whether cats continue to peep the works after that is neither here nor there. as i told a former co-worker, who later shafted the hell out of me in a royally fucked up fashion, i don't write for exposure. i write for expression. now make like a shovel and pull some dirt up on that shit...

you're 2005 at 11:59.59.99 +


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