Sunday, December 25, 2005

straight uppedness...

or i suppose i could say straight stupidness. just add a li'l "st" and it would probably cover the same issue. moving on...

today is my poppo's b-day. hooray! NOT.

it's going on 3 years that i cutoff my paternal extendeds. it's sad but necessary. what a group of assholes. i can't recall at the moment if i've already addressed this here or not, but it's amazing to me that i have managed to become who i am knowing where i came from. i mean this genetically, biologically, emotionally and socially. how in the hell did i come from such idiots? i'm a pretty sociable guy. i gets my talk on. in fact, i'm sure you'd find tons of cats that'd say, "yeah that guy can talk. sometimes he just needs to STFU!" heh! heh! heh! it's cool though 'cause i know i tend to run at the mouth. as a result, except for times when i'm hyped or momentarily overzealous, i will cut myself short. all that to say this: i tend not to openly communicate, except on the business tip, with people whom i find exhibit inferior intellect. i don't think i'm an intellectual snob. i just have an emotionally and socially allergic reaction to...STUPIDITY!

that said, my parents, yes both of them, have shown themselves to be professional cultivators of just such crops of idiocy. the amazingly sick thing about it is they're both college graduates. and if that don't kill ya', they're both teachers by trade. shit! how is it that professionally intellectually trained individuals could double as professionally ignorant asswipes ('swipes)? dunno, but it happened to me like lightening striking twice.

hey my bad if the blog seems a li'l serious today, but fuck it. i ain't all jokes and sarcasm all the time...well, yes i am, but this is serious sarcasm. i could fill plenty of entries with the stories of my misadventures w/my dopey parents. getting away from both of them is the best thing that i've ever done short of finishing undergrad after dropping out of college 2X. oddly enough, the circumstances of my dropouts were intricately entwined with the asininity of my predecessors. coincidence? hells to the niggity-no w/a big ass capital N to the O. YEABUH!

well, that's that for now. since nobody reads this damn thing, i'm not too concerned with how to deal w/any comments. feedback is great i suppose, but i don't write this shit for people to respond. i write to get this shit off my chest. if somebody gets something out of it, cool. if not then fuck it. i ain't mad at nobody about anything like that right about now. shit, i'm too busy being mad at George the Liar and the Nut Brigade...

make like Osama and the war on terrorism...


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