Thursday, May 11, 2006

Almost official...

barring any unforeseen grading mishaps, i will soon be a college graduate. this is an amazing feeling for me. don't know if it's 'cause it took so long, or perhaps it's just a great feeling of accomplishment. i'm still kinda premature, but it looks like things are a go. i gotta check when grades are supposed to be finally posted to be sure. now comes the hard part: finding a steady gig.

i suppose this is slightly more difficult for me than some since i do not particularly want a career working for so-and-so's company. i want my own business. i actually have a decent framework for a business plan from one of my courses this past semester. it needs to be fleshed out and researched more, but it is a definite start. i even contacted a law firm in D.C. that deals with the aspects of business i desire to pursue. now i gotta secure funding. this is where employment comes in the picture. i pretty much have to provide potential employers with the impression that i actually intend remain in a position for those indefinite periods that they consider a career. interesting proposition...

all my earnings will be for maintaining the fam and funding the biz effort. once i get my shit together independently, the employer situation is null and void.

anyway, gotta get crackin'. it's all about computers, audio engineering and production. can you say G-R-A-D-U-A-T-E?

make like this semester...


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