Tuesday, May 23, 2006

would you buy a t-shirt with this image on it...

check this out...

i'm seriously thinking about coming out with a t-shirt with this or an extremely similar image on it...

give me some feedback:

1. would you buy such an item?
2. would you actually proudly sport it?

don't know about you, but i'd proudly do both. hats, t-shirts, mugs, bags, posters...
okay, maybe not posters...

you get the idea. this guy has got to be the dumbest prez in recent history. i didn't like Reagan, but i never thought he was dumb. he was ignorant as hell, but what affluent person is familiar with the less affluent members of society? anyways, this guy Dumbya pisses me off. i tried to vote'em out of office but it didn't work. sour grapes? i think not...

more like idiot intolerance. hey what do you expect, I'M A TEMPLE GRADUATE...

think anyone'll come after me for this shit? never know with these paranoid cats..
hey let's spy on citizens in case they call Osama...yeah, great idea...[DORKS!]

aight, that's enough...i'm out...

make like Osama actually had any ties with Sadam...


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