Sunday, August 27, 2006


so, it appears there may not have been something wrong with the battery, but i can't be sure. it is possible that i left on the lights the last parked. it is also possible that i turned them on last weekend when i tried to start the car and realized the battery was dead again. either way, the mechanic suggested i replace the old battery any way. oddly, the old battery was a marine battery. don't know how much of a difference that makes, but the car is now running off of an Energizer battery. i almost fucked up the new battery by hooking up the cables to the wrong terminals. fortunately, i quickly removed the cables upon commencement of sizzling...

anyways, it's good to be having employment and not unemployment. hopefully i can keep Needa w/o gouging my pockets any further. on that note...

make like T.O. has any sense at all...


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