Sunday, January 18, 2009

the mind's attendance...

the truth is my mind can go missing. when i was a kid i recall my moms used to comment about my tendency to daydream. my love for reading is a positive extension of my minds natural tendency to wander/wonder.

reading does not occupy all of my attention unless i'm studying for some organized academic purpose (exam, class, etc.). i can generally listen to audio, read, watch some video w/audio, & have a conversation at the same time. if i really want to focus on 1 thing or the other, i will, but generally i don't have to operate that way. reading allows my mind to wander off into its various places to create images, connect & build thoughts, & generally stroke my intellect. love that shit...

i am brought to this particular train of thought because i often have so many thoughts floating around inside my mind at any 1 time, it can be difficult to catch all of them & commit them to some type of stored record, as here...

so, this blog often represents the times when an idea poofs into the prominent areas of the mind & i'm able to successfully grab the fucker. they can be slippery. some of the best of them slide in & out of my direct thought patterns, fucking w/me all day/week/month. it can be frustrating. what i've learned to do is let them come & go. relaxing on them allows me to grab more than when i used to trip about my many thoughts & ideas.

i still bug a li'l bit, but it's nowhere near the level of my early 20's. i have gotten used to putting shit here, so there are times when i'll come up w/something, but i either let it slip off or i'm not near an input device. these things do happen...

either way, my mind is my faithful interface w/the infinite, so i respect it's nature of operation. as long as i lean it towards universal functioning as opposed to human functioning, i generally tend to be all right...

make like i post everything i ever think about posting exactly when i think about posting it...

PEACE calm...

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