Friday, January 09, 2009

reality strikes...

Kwanzaa & Scientology

not in the same breath. there are no comparisons.

but there is one that a seemingly conservative/right-winged co-worker of mine felt the need to point out:


is that demeaning in any way? is at all offensive to anyone who celebrates Kwanzaa or Scientology?

1st off, i support K, but i've always questioned that it is celebrated so closely to Cmas. which actually brings me to my intended point:

isn't all this shit made up?


Christianity, Scientology, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, etc.

pick whatever religion you dig, that shit was made up at some point in human history. how significant is it, in the broad scope of human history, when a particular spiritual path was developed and recognized as beneficial to a highly varied group of humans?

every spiritual path currently known to human perception is just that: perceived & created by the human mind.

does that mean these paths are not real?

i would not agree, but it does tend to lend weight to the idea that no one path is the best. there are no chosen practitioners.

how motivational is it for a leader or leaders of humans to devise a set of socially beneficial practices that benefit the group & individual, and then tell the followers/practitioners that the particular set of practices is the way, the truth, & the only light?

you are going to be the best positioned to receive a return on your spiritual investment if you follow these methods.

all it takes is to add in the great common human characteristic of interpretation to foul up the development & perpetuation of the particularly popular paths.

the destination is the same.

if you are not causing harm to self & others by following it, what difference does the path you follow really make?

it ain't just Scientology that's made up. all this shit is...

if humans did not exist, what religion would the universe be...

make like humans really generally just get the hell out of existence & always have...

PEACE calm...

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