Wednesday, October 28, 2009

the tactics of manipulators... i'm working these networking opps on acebook. this is not really work, but it is. essentially i engage & interact w/the peeps on my list who actually communicate. sadly some seem to only desire to broadcast their thoughts, wishes, & desires for the world to see. fortunately everyone does not seem to suffer from such vanity.

so again, i'm working the networking & some positive dialogue occurs as relates to the socio-politcal climate of the world. i mention that divide & conquer tactics coupled w/apathy is what keeps the status quo. the other acebookian responds in agreement, but from past status updates, it appears this person is a Christian of some sort. why is that significant?

what is the most common divide & conquer dynamic in current human relationships?


even within particular faiths, there is always division & disension. this only goes to show that humans do not all believe & function the same way. a perfectly universally reasonable observation. the problem is that wars have been waged by humans over perceived religious significance. what better way to keep the larger population occupied while you orchestrate various schemes & plans at their expense....

just a thought...

make like religion is not the ultimate divide & conquer technique...

PEACE calm...

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