Friday, October 30, 2009

universal will hurt you...

so i'm making my grind  journey yesterday PM & i came across my spiritual belief path somehow. not really important how, but what.


what is the fact that no one can dispute that humans are an aspect of the universe. as an aspect of the universe, we are the universe, because the universe is all things & all things are a part of it. by the universe being infinite, all finite things are a part of it.

this means that we are god. calm down, this does not mean we can fly or anything idotic like that.


because the universe is god. god is infinite. there are not multiple infinite things. there is 1. 1 infinite whatever it is. the only things in humanly observable reality that are infinite are time, the universe, energy, & whatever concept humans seem to have developed about god.

make like reality lies & human perceptions always tell the truth...

PEACE calm...

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