Friday, February 12, 2010

letting too many things slide...

my focus is important. if i do have ADHD there is now a sensible explanation for why i tend to multitask so well, but sometimes not.

seems odd, but hyper-focus is 1 of the effects of ADHD. it can be quite helpful when used for + purposes. if i do it on the bullshit, it leads to anxiety, depression, & in extreme cases, efforts to merc self...

it's a damn good thing i had enough sense to realize that the technique i was using to walk the path of my physical existence had some serious flaws in it. it now appears that a good portion of the flaws are directly related to my issues w/focus.

knowing this shit really helps me to remind myself more frequently that i need to finish what i start, not start too many things at 1 time, & to use my apparent gift of hyper-focus in a way that will benefit my progressive goals...

1 thing i definitely have to do is pay slightly closer attention to the household bills & when they get financially satisfied...

make like i don't literally forget to pay some of the utility bills...

PEACE calm...

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