Tuesday, February 02, 2010

obesity is no friend to me...

i tend to joke that i don't fuck w/fat people 'cause the egg donor was overweight & caused me so many issues. this may have something to do w/it, but the reality is i just don't fuck w/fat people.

i'm on PT today & some obesicule decides that i don't look cramped enough in my seat & asks me to move so she can sit by the window. swollemite then proceeds to wiggle, litter, eat candy, & disturb my nostrils w/some kind of snack chip. WTF! it's bad enough she's squirming around, but she has to be littering & eating chips too?

it probably wouldn't have been so bad if i had sat elsewhere, but i had to watch the shit i picked up from the store. i would've sat in the old folks seats, but i wanted to make sure i wasn't in the way for anyone in a wheel/motorized chair.

to top it all off i've got a head cold today. i dozed while i was riding & this caused mucus to go down into my throat. i had to hold that shit 'cause i didn't have anywhere to spit it out. i had to hold that shit until i got off the bus near the crib...ultra shitay!

adventures on PT!

make like i live to hug fat motherfuckers...

...be calm...

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