Sunday, January 16, 2011

the great hustle...

how is it that humans seem so easily manipulated by the fear of the unknown?

my comprehension of the answer to the above does not remove my distaste for the hustlers of religious faith(s).

i caught the tail end of a Todd Coontz infomercial earlier today. i'm not so much disturbed as i am amazed that humans facilitate the hustle of cats like this.

fear is a powerful motivator. humans truly fear the unknown. this fear is about as universal among humans as the universe itself is to reality.

the thing that saddens/bugs me is that it is extremely difficult to get those who are caught up by these types of hustles to realize that it's a scam.

it isn't even just w/religion(s). there are a few well established social institutions that humans would seem literally to be willing to kill/die to defend. i suppose it's like trying to get an eyeless human to visually acknowledge the sun.

the power to manipulate human perception is far too often abused by those who do not have the interest of the greater common good in mind...

make like the unknown is gleefully embraced...

PEACE calm...

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