Saturday, January 07, 2006

it ain't all fun 'n' games ya know...

call me butter cause i'm on a roll...spread it baby! spread it! [smiling perversely with visions of provocative flesh bouncing about in my head]
on to more relevant topics...
yes, i am sarcastic.  yes, i can get to ramming.  however, i have to draw the line at admission of being a malcontent or a pessimist. [after looking up malcontent at Merriam-Webster's] actually, only half of that last statement is true, wait...[looking up denotation of pessimist] okay by definition, i'm a liar.  anyway, i don't see myself as a pessimist.  i figure a pessimist would just say FI.  with few episodic exceptions that had potentially life threatening consequences, i've spent my life thinking that things could get better.  not to say that they would, but that they could.  is that pessimism?  i think it is optimistic realism.  perhaps i am in  denial but whatever.
okay, so anyway, [trying to recall what i was supposed to be typing] i am definitely not what one would refer to as patriotic.  i believe not in capitalism or the humans that monopolize the operation of government agencies.  [recalling what it is i really wanted to get into]   i'll come back to this at some point...
so i'm lost right...
no seriously, i got lost w/Needa last night.  me getting lost is kind of funny though 'cause i have the most awesome sense of direction.  i guarantee you this, i didn't get it from the bald-headed wonder known as my dizzle.  i can't really remember if my mizzle had a sense.  i'm thinking she must have, 'cause we did a gang of local road trips during my childhood, and i don't recall us ever being lost.  when i say lost, i mean wandering around in aimless circles.
the worst kind of lost is when you know you keep going around the same area, but you can't find the way back to an area you recognize.  landmarks are an essential for me.  that's why i can't stand suburbian development.   nothing worse than everything looks the same.  night driving doesn't help either.
so anyway, i get lost again last night.  at least i wasn't close to the crib.  even still though i hate when i do it.  cool thing is i learned an alternate route  home.  that's hot.  I-76 traffic ain't shit sometimes, and the alternate route i use currently is only good from a certain point.  now i know a route that goes from my crib all the way to my gig.  can you say "HOT!"  oh yeah [said like the guy from Talk Radio]!
too bad the Bush admin doesn't use this technique to learn from political blunders in a similar fashion...[these types of leaps of thought occur often when one dozes while making blog entries. DO TRY THIS AT HOME!]
full circle, i trust no politicians.  i could care less whether republican or democrat.  the whole political system is geared towards the upper middle class and the outright rich.  the people who make everything work get the shaft at least 2x daily (waking up & going to bed).
i'm on super stream-of-consciousness today.  hope this is/ws give you the eme. (i'm leaving that just like that, 'cause that's how you type when dozing. besides, i have no idea what that thought was intended to be whatsoever) [MAJOR CHEESE!]
on that note...
pretend you're at a Lou Rawls concert right now...

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