Friday, January 20, 2006

won't be none of that 'round here patna...


if you're a lazy ass reader, you may wanna skip this one.

Main Entry: 1li·bel
Pronunciation: 'lI-b&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, written declaration, from Middle French, from Latin libellus, diminutive of liber book
1 a : a written statement in which a plaintiff in certain courts sets forth the cause of action or the relief sought b archaic : a handbill especially attacking or defaming someone
2 a : a written or oral defamatory statement or representation that conveys an unjustly unfavorable impression b (1) : a statement or representation published without just cause and tending to expose another to public contempt (2) : defamation of a person by written or representational means (3) : the publication of blasphemous, treasonable, seditious, or obscene writings or pictures (4) : the act, tort, or crime of publishing such a libel

Main Entry: 2libel
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -beled or -belled; -bel·ing or li·bel·ling /-b(&-)li[ng]/
intransitive senses : to make libelous statements
transitive senses : to make or publish a libel against

the above courtesy of Merriam-Webster Online.

use that shit and get some to our regularly typed entry...

a friend of mine emailed me with a strange response when made aware of this little exercise. ergo the above. suffice it to say i will not committing any libelous behavior. just wanted to clear that up though. closest thing to the above definition may be #3, but fuck it. i am not a patriot. i do not like George. i did not vote for George. if George and i were in the same room, i'm sure he would be sufficiently protected yet still feel somewhat uncomfortable by my presence. either way, fuck George. moving on...

well, maybe not...

i don't dig politicians at all. my metaphor on politicians would basically be that the law is like a used car and they're the shady salespeople. no matter what kind of deal they try to convince you you're getting, they always come out with the best end of the imaginary bargain. sucks to be you so to speak. the problem w/politics in this country is a severe lack of involvement by the general public. while not a conspiracy theorist, i have to say it's hard to convince your average minimum wage, no benefits having, no owned home, trying to support themselves, or worse a family, employee that involvement in the public policy process is in their best interest. i can surely relate, but i'm not the average. the system is set up so that people can be satisfied with the leftovers that the upper and upper middle class deem fit to discard, so to speak. obviously this is a highly simplified perspective, but i'm not writing a thesis here. anyway, if you're completely lost or just don't care, take notice, there are no poor politicians. it is an oxymoron.

i honestly cannot recall the direct source (more than likely a news magazine Time/Newsweek/U.S. News & World Report or a newspaper), but several years ago i read an article about the types of waste that occur in D.C., in congress in particular. the article detailed how these cats just toss office supplies at the end of congressional terms. according to the article furniture, stationary, whatever may be unwanted, was just deposited en mass in dumpsters outside of the offices. of course my 1st thought was how could i get my hands on some nice shit (congressional furniture and stationary, yeah!). then it struck me on how wasteful this practice is. no recycling. no used furniture selling. how stupid and inefficient. oh wait, that's right this is the government i'm talking about. you get the freakin' idea. i have no more liking for elephants than i do donkeys. they're equally unrepresentative, ineffective, inefficient and out of touch with the average citizen. much like the law in general, government is geared to benefit either individuals with large bankrolls or corps that fit a similar bill. it's bullshit.

the ironic thing about it is these individuals and/or corps would not be able to create the income that they do w/o the working stiffs that constantly get looked over and shafted. mind you, this is worldwide nowadays, not just domestic. capitalism has created an international phenomenon of resource exploitation at the cost of truly peaceful human existence. how does economic policy tie in with political policy? unlike most people who think everything can be analyzed and discussed in individual little pockets, i don't. what motivates public policy? economic concerns. far more so than any concern for social policy. i used to ascribe to the theory that racism (you damn right it still exists dorkburger!) was economically motivated. actually, now that i mention it, i'd say that the perpetuation of racism has strong economic motivations, but initially i would argue it was more significant than today. why?

take enslavement. oh and before it even goes there, reparations are bullshit. i won't get into the details of that opinion just at this moment, just hold onto that for some other time. anyway, enslavement seems so socially motivated, but even a casual observer would be hard pressed not acknowledge the economic benefit to European-Americans in developing what is now the model of Western economic function. without the free labor of enslavement, the United States would have struggled to develop as a new political/social/economic entity. in the same time frame, progress would not have been achieved anywhere near as fast. much like what i mentioned above, the early upper and middle upper classes would have had far more concerns with day to day economics to advance in areas like technology, medicine, etc. these cats had to have a whole hell of a lot of free time to think on and implement all the new shit they created or assumed/subsumed into Western society's rapid development into modern Western society as we suffer it. this is not a conspiracy. it's history. it happened. if it didn't happen the way it did, you would likely not be reading this because the technological development that allows this to exist would not have occurred.

does that make that shit okay? hell's no! do i like politicians? uh uh. do i vote? you goddamn right i do. gotta hold these cats responsible. apathy has no place in this oligarchy that's been purported to be a republic and a democracy. you ignore this shit and it'll eat your ass alive. you can call it whatever you want. i call it don't let them get you. am i concerned with libel at all? no. i have bigger things on my mind, in case you didn't notice...

i ain't always joking around you know...

make like the possibility of any African-American seeing any parts of reparations from European-Americans.


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