Monday, July 17, 2006

almost but not quite...

so, it will be 1 year at the end of this month that i've been typing for no one to read. [awkward crickets chirping silence]. how 'bout that? i've considered transcribing my old written journal(s) to this format, but what's the use. besides, that's material from many, many years ago. i'm talking late '80's to late '90's. there's some crazy shit in there, but the past is.

anyway, i've been thinking about how useless my parents became as i got older. i'd have to say i miss having parents, but i don't miss my 2 dorks. i was commenting to my half that it's going to be somewhat unusual to not know anything about my parents impending death(s). for all i know, they could be dead or dying. that's honestly not likely, but i honestly am not particularly concerned. perhaps that sounds cold. oh well!

make like i GAF...


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