Sunday, July 23, 2006

you know i'm bored as all hell when...

i post to my blog twice in under a 24 hour period. my summer so far has sucked the big suckoleon. i think it's safe to say i can be a generally irritated person. people tend to get on my nerves. it's likely me, but it seems most people are raving idiots. that's not to say that i have the solution to life's problems, but that's what drives me to draw my previously stated conclusion: so many people think they have it all figured out. usually that perspective seems to be founded in the mental version of 5-block radius syndrome. if you're not familiar with the concept, most people rarely venture outside of a 5 block radius of their domicile. i'm actually guilty of this in my latter years, but not because i like to hang out around my 'hood. i prefer travel, but i can't afford that shit. that's another story though, and i'd like to get back to my point. most people tend to be concerned with their immediate environment and their immediate circumstances. again, i can be guilty of this at times, but usually i look at the proverbial big picture. the mental 5-block radius syndrome leads people to think rather selfishly. i haven't had that luxury most of my life. it's just my personality i guess. i'm always considering how what i do may affect others. 9 out of 10 times the sentiment is not returned. most peeps just don't give a fuck.

what the hell does this have to do with anything? not a goddamn thing i suppose. it just happens to be how i feel at the moment. i'm bored as hell and extremely irritated. not having gainful employment can do that to ya! i hate not working. i have businesses i'm supposed to be running, but it is a little difficult to do business with no working capital. so why don't i get a small business loan? 1. i don't have tight credit. 2. i don't want to owe any financial organizations anything at the moment. i've got business cards, but i don't believe i've glad-handed enough away to generate any interest. this assessment is derived from the complete lack of phone calls i have received asking for my assistance in my area of expertise.

okay, i actually had a point i was supposed to make when i started typing, but now i just don't give a fuck. i'm just streaming over here. my mind moves quite a bit faster than my fingers most of the time. when i get really bored, depressed and irritable, my attention span becomes very ADHDish. on that note, i'd like to say my neighbors mostly suck and most people could care less if i dropped off the face of the planet or not. the second part is somewhat irrelevant as long as i don't feel that way, but i thought i'd throw that in there anyway.

make like i am so excited at this very moment...


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