Saturday, July 22, 2006

so what the fuck...

my long lost younger sister emailed me a few days ago. basically she sucks. much like the rest of my supposedly blood related family, she has the distinctly throwed off gene intact. it was reminiscent of the nut ass letter my wonderful father sent me about a decade and a half ago. in a fine exhibition of the existence of the throwed off gene on the paternal side, he suggested rather emphatically that my interest in sexually explicit materials would lead to my becoming a child molester and rapist. rather humorous eh? insulting, but rather humorous. based on the amount of pornography i've consumed over the years, i guess i'm a serial rapist. dork.

so, my wonderfully missing for 12 years sister suggests that she needs to see me as if she did not know where i was for the last 12 years. odd, seeing as how i gave her my home address, work address, home phone number, pager/cell number, and work number. i can honestly say that she's had at least 1 of any of those pieces of information during this time period. oh yeah, and she's had my Yahoo and AOL IM info as well. does she contact me? hells no!

so, after about 2 years or so of no contact at all, i get this email. of course it's about our mother being on her death bed or on her way to it or whatever. ah yes, my wonderful mother. such fond memories of having a bread knife held to my throat for asking why i was the only one who had to wash dishes every night. oh and how could i forget the $50 she paid her friend to send her daughter on a date with me. that's not at all embarrassing. basically to make a damn near life long story short, my mom sucks ass. i always marvel at how the death of either one of my parents will not have any effect on my current life. the nature of our relationships is like they're dead anyway.

but i digress yet again. back to my lunatic sister. she mentions all this shit that she knows not a goddamn thing about because she was like 5 when i rolled out. all the info she has is from our mother who is damn near a pathological liar. couple that with the fact that our mom has a great imagination and a gift of telling great stories, and sis has nothing to stand on whatsoever. she tells me she's angry and alone, but then says she doesn't want me to give her phone number to any of our family members. that's funny 2X. why? 1st because i don't fuck with any of these people. 2nd because she complains she's alone. shit, with the way she decided to approach me, her ass is likely to stay feeling like that. i honestly don't feel like dealing with another crazy family member.

i suppose i may call her eventually, but for what purpose? if her attitude is anything like it was in her email, she's likely to get introduced to cousin Tone. i have enough bullshit on my plate, i don't need any side orders.

make like my sister has a freakin' clue...


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