Saturday, October 21, 2006


new motherfuckin' car.

nuff said. well not really, but the fucking engine has a bad cylinder with fucking oil in it. isn't that just the shit? and how about i didn't find this out until after i bought new tires ($200) and got a tune-up & oil change ($225). ain't that some hot shit? $425 later and i find out this piece of shit car has finally given up on me. oh well, WTF can i do? i could spend another $950+ to get a used engine installed! [FUCKING YAAY!] am i going to do that nut ass shit? of course not. i'm going to sell Needa as is and try to get what cash i can out of her ass. unfortunately, i don't have enough saved up yet to get another joint and use Needa as a trade. sucks to be my ride.

speaking of sucks i gotta start paying off my school debt soon. i found out i owe $300+ in monthly installments for the next 15-20 years. [HOLYSHITWOW!] good to see someone will be experiencing some financial gain from my recent status change to college graduate. too bad it ain't me yet...

ah well, at least the Steelers won the Super Bowl last season. of course, that has nothing to do with this season. [SHEESH!] i had to drop Rothlisberger from my fantasy squad on Yahoo! ah well, guess i can't monopolize taking an 'L.' too bad i don't get paid for mine like they've been. imagine that: professional athletes not getting paid when they lose games. sounds too much like right...

make like my car isn't shitting all over me...


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