Wednesday, October 25, 2006

more work = less posts...

that's pretty self explanatory.

looks like i might not be as assed out as i thought in the whip department. i always said i didn't want a note, but if i try to wait until i save enough to get a more reliable vehicle, i'll have to rely on Crepta to get to the gig in the suburbs. i'm not really feeling that shit. there is actually a bus that stops near the gig, but that turns my 40m commute into a 150m commute. big difference considering sleep, family and life activity arrangements. i actually like riding public transportation (PT), but when it's time to grocery shop or get to locations outside the city proper, PT just doesn't get it done consistently. anyway, i've got a couple of lines on some vehicles and i actually got pre-approved for from my preferred financial institution. i just have to find something within the budget and keep the note under $150. that's the goal. now i've got 30 days to find a ride and make sure it's safe. that's not an easy task, but it's good to know i've got the option...

make like i ain't gettin' ridda Needa...


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