Wednesday, September 10, 2008

the biggest lie of all...

i just realized today that 1 of the biggest lies that is told & perpetuated in this crazy ass society is that we are all the same. we are not all the same. ethnic difference is natural. the problem isn't our differences as humans. the problem is the perception by many humans that difference can be equated to superiority/inferiority.

different ≠ better.

different ≠ superior.

different = different.

whoever developed that social idiocy needs to be severely reprimanded and sectioned off for population control measures. WTF?

imagine all the tall cats offing all the little fuckers & making the world more comfortable for those over 6' tall. imagine that shit...

how the fuck does it happen w/o question that some group or another develops the idea that different = superior/inferior?

this is yet another great example of the mass stupidity of the human race as an animal. oh yeah, we're so fucking more intelligent than the other animals, but we can't figure out shit like this. again WTF.

i used to think i was alone in many of my observations of human behavior. turns out i'm not. apparently those of us who tend to be creatively expressive tend to see through the bullshit better. oddly, creative minds are generally not encouraged to pursue such endeavors...

the general public seems to be satisfied w/this unfortunate state of affairs. fuck'em...

make like the world is not a motherfucking mess because of all the non-questioning sheep...

PEACE calm...

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