Saturday, May 23, 2009

how in the fuck?

somebody tell me who these people are that impregnate scary swollen broads. WTF!

i know & agree that beauty is in the eye, but goddamn...

i saw a chick yesterday that looked like she works as a fast food restaurant dumpster. she had a toddler w/her that was clearly her child. who poked that? she wasn't even a cute chunky. was dude high? was he drunk? WTF!

every once in a while i'll see the jawn w/the dude. even then it's like, WTF were you on cuz...

i understand people gain weight over time. it isn't even a problem that women tend to chunk up after pregnancy. shit happens. it's cool to a point. my thing is how in the hell do you premeditate stroky pokin' a swollemite & manage to impregnate her?


stop that shit dude(s)...

make like i love obeastliness...

PEACE calm...

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