Monday, May 17, 2010

excuse me, i've misplaced my sense...

there seems to be a certain arrogance held by humans as technology advances. it's as if there is a race & by advancing technology the idea is that humans are winning. how do you race to an unknown ending from an unknown start?

the desire to control the infinite by finite beings is a fascinating thing to observe. it is quite disturbing at times, but still immensely fascinating.

respect for reality often seems to be replaced w/a false sense of being. when reality's truths are unmistakably revealed many humans appear to be very discomforted by such revelations. perhaps being made aware of how little is actually known, how finite human perception actually is, is too unsettling. it definitely doesn't fit well w/arrogance.

when is arrogance ever a good thing?

arrogance & ignorance...

so similar sounding...

make like ignorance is beautiful...

PEACE calm...

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