Tuesday, May 11, 2010

more physically oriented...

as i have become more aware of my natural existence, i have also become aware of a separation between my mind & my physical. the separation did not just occur. it is the level of awareness that has changed. i have recently experienced a physical metaphor that reflects the shaping of this awareness of nature.

since i protect my sense of sound for engineering, i have been wearing earplugs. it started out as a means to protect my hearing while riding PT. i realized that wearing them while i sleep/rest allowed me to rest more thoroughly. i used to wake up to pretty much any sound that was made within my hearing range. this included mundane things like leaks in the bathroom, the windows rattling in the wind, buses driving by 1 block over, etc. for a few months now, i have been able to rest w/little to no disturbance by sound. it's been quite excellent.

this has changed recently. apparently my hearing has adjusted to the earplugs. i can now hear things through the earplugs that i previously was unable to hear. i was under the impression that my sense of hearing could not be improved as i age. this is either not true, or something else is going on here. either way, i am able to hear more now. my theory is that i have developed an increased awareness of my auditory perceptions.

this is the physical metaphor that relates to my spiritual/natural perceptions as well. as i continue to focus on the nature of my mind, i believe i am becoming more aware of its distinct existence beyond my physical being. this is god awareness. the mind is the universe. it is not a piece of the universe as the physical shell is. the mind has no beginning & no end. it is not a piece of anything. it is what is...as the universe is. god is...

make like the mind is not infinite in nature...

...be calm...

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