Monday, September 11, 2006

is the Bush administration a friggin' joke?

you'd probably expect a rant from this title, but it's not coming. just a question or two on the 5th anniversary of the WTC destruction.

why in the hell has there not been even the remotest success at catching Osama? WTF! is this guy invisible or is it that the shit Michael Moore presented in his overly sarcastic documentary has some truth to it? how can you be the most powerful government in the "free" world and not be able to catch your #1 enemy? WTF! talk about military ineptitude. i feel sorry for all the families who have lost members because Bush thought Iraq had anything at all to do with 9/11. this president has been great for comedy, but it's not funny when you consider the cost of life this "war on terrorism" has caused. i thought the war on drugs was a joke.

i remember when the war on terrorism was first proposed. i thought it was assinine then and my opinion hasn't changed much over the last few years. seems more like it was a bullshit idea to distract the citizens of this country from the economic mismanagement being practiced by the Bush administration. it was like "oh shit, we're kinda fucking up. let's start a war so we can distract everyone."

throw in a few tax breaks for the already established upper middle class and boom. you'd probably think i was a Democrat or something, but i think both parties suck governmental ass. seems like Republicans suck a little harder sometimes, but most politicians respond to the same general stimuli: the interests of capitalism and corporate exapansion. the global economy is still benefiting the same general parties that it has for hundreds of years.

i'm beginning to think 9/11 was some kind of necessary sacrifice of U.S. citizens for the benefit of some of the multi-national corporations. who is benefiting from the continuation of the war in Iraq? certainly not the armed forces or the Iraqis. and Afghanistan is fucked up but you won't hear about that in any major media arenas. Opium production is supposed to be up since the U.S. backed government took over. guess the war on terrorism trumps the war on drugs.

so, to answer my rhetorical question from above, hell yeah! this has got to be the worst overall government since i've been alive. even Nixon with his scandal ridden administration was not this bad. W. is an idiot. they fooled the hell out of whoever voted for him in the southern states. who knows what's going to happen in the next few elections. ask me and i'll say there needs to be a new movement for change made up of the working stiffs. that's whose getting jerked.

make like i love the good old U.S. of A.


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