Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Needa-ventures III: my car may hate me...

so i'm rolling down Ridge Pike this morning and Needa (with the brand stank new battery and recently replace alternator) just dies on me. nevermind i need car to get to work or anything like that. i'm more pissed off that i just finished a nice 10 hour shift and i'm stuck with the car's ass hangin' out into the freakin' highway. i tried to pull off the road, but i just happened to be going uphill and the only lot i could get too was even further uphill...yaaay!

now Needa's stuck in whatever town that is in the parking lot of an appliance store. i asked the store if it was okay if Needa sits there until i can get'er towed to a garage. the guy said someone would call me back and let me know, but i haven't heard from anyone yet. talk about massive suckolean.

hopefully i'll be able to use my bike and SUCKTA to get to the gig until i can get my pile of high velocity maintence on wheels to the shop. did i mention my mechanic is on vacation until next Tuesday? more suckolean.

fuckin' a man! just thought i'd put that in there...

make like my car is not a pain in the ass...


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